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New Extra Jewels

MuOnlinePlay New Extra Jewels


Jewel of Skill - adds Skill option to weapon


Jewel of Luck - adds Luck option to item


Jewel of Level - increases Level of item by 1 / From item Level +9 up to +15 (except wings, accessories)


Jewel of Excellent +1 - Makes regular item into Excellent item


Jewel of Excellent +2 - Adds second random excellent option to Excellent item


Jewel of Excellent +3 - Adds third random excellent option to Excellent item


Jewel of Excellent +4 - Adds fourth random excellent option to Excellent item


Jewel of Excellent +5 - Adds fifth random excellent option to Excellent item


Jewel of Excellent +6 - Adds sixth random excellent option to Excellent item


Jewel of Excellent Ancient +1 - Makes ancient item into Excellent Ancient item


Jewel of Excellent Ancient +2 - Adds second random excellent option to Ancient Excellent item


Jewel of Excellent Ancient +3 - Adds third random excellent option to Ancient Excellent item


Jewel of Excellent Ancient +4 - Adds fourth random excellent option to Ancient Excellent item


Jewel of Excellent Ancient +5 - Adds fifth random excellent option to Ancient Excellent item


Jewel of Excellent Ancient +6 - Adds sixth random excellent option to Ancient Excellent item

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